Our commitment to serving you!

Thank you!

We’d like to start with an enormous THANK YOU to our friends and family for all of the love and support you’ve emailed, posted and shared. We miss seeing all of you, and it truly helps to keep our spirits up to hear how you’re doing! Please keep sending them!

We have some updates on our hours at the caffe, as well as new products available to you while we all do our part and work from home.

Caffe Hours:

As of now, we feel it is in all of our best interests to close our caffe for the foreseeable future. We hope to reopen after the “remain in place” order is lifted. This is for the safety of our staff as well as our customers. Unfortunately, our caffe is too small to maintain adequate social distancing. We will be posting updates on projected timelines as we know more.

Online Retail:

As mentioned in our previous blog post, we are still going strong at the roastery! We are maintaining all online orders with no interruption in production.

We have FREE local deliveries available for our Portland friends, and are shipping coffee all across the country which you can find here.

In addition, we have added digital gift cards to our store! If you’d like to purchase gifts for friends and family you can do so via this link: Online Store Gift Cards!

*Please note, these gift cards are only for our online store (beans and products available on this website) and cannot be used for in store purchases at our caffe.

Those of you here in Portland interested in purchasing gift cards for use at our downtown caffe (once we reopen) you can find those here: Caffe Gift Cards! Whether its that first cup of post-quarantine coffee you’ve been longing for, or finally buying one of our Spella travel mugs, these gift cards are a perfect way to ensure you’re ready to go when we are all back in action.

We are constantly checking our emails and social media platforms to answer any and all questions you may have. As this is a constantly changing situation for everyone, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the most up-to-date information we can provide.

With gratitude and joy,

The Spella Team

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